Dad From Massachusetts Lost Daughter's Hamster And Gets Famous With His Panicked Texts

Dec 01, 2019

Like all empty-nesters, father Daniel Veerman from Wilmington, Massachusetts, grew attached to anything that reminded him of his daughter.

As reported by the New York Post, Daniel's daughter Stephanie went out of state in order to attend a prestigious university. Regrettably, she had to leave her beloved hamster behind in the family home.

Even though he never thought of himself as an animal lover, Veerman boasted a secret affection for his daughter's pet hamster. As soon as Stephanie left, Daniel went all out on purchasing toys, treats, and trinkets for his furry friend.

On a rainy Sunday afternoon, Daniel was cleaning Chester's cage. Like always, he put the rambunctious creature in his favorite, brightly colored ball. Ominously, Daniel found the ball without the top cover just thirty minutes later. Chester had made a run for it!

After searching every nook and cranny of the house, Daniel sent rapid-fire texts to his daughter. The single father researched every possible way to lure a hamster out of hiding, but it was to no avail.

Stephanie was reminded about just how much Daniel cared for her and her hamster. Snapping screenshots of his text messages, she posted them online and they soon went viral.

Within twelve hours, Chester was finally reunited with Daniel. Ultimately, Daniel didn't have to skip work to find his little buddy. Though the little guy was hungry, he was found completely safe and free of harm. But losing the poor creature really got to Daniel.

“I’m an empty-nester now,” the Herald Publicist quotes him as saying. “I don’t have a lot to take care of, and I almost screwed up the one thing I have.”

Even though fathers are often ragged on, Stephanie's story reminds us of just how pure a dad's love can be. Everyone deserves someone just as caring as Daniel in their life.

If your daughter's pet was lost, how would you react? Would you go as far as Daniel just to make sure your furry friend was safe?