Dad Comically Fails At Ignoring Dog

Apr 27, 2020

Dogs are hard to ignore on the best of days. They want to be by our side and keep us company. But sometimes their human moms and dads need some alone time. Gus, a Weimaraner rescue dog, desperately wanted his owner's attention, and despite trying really hard not to, his owner had no choice but to give in to him in the end.

Weimaraners have always had attention-seeking qualities. The Weimaraner Club of America calls them "perpetual two year olds." They go on to say:

“It’s hard to generalize about the Weimaraner personality but a core trait, that runs in the veins of all of them, is that they are people–centric. They love the company of humans to the point that they will follow you around your house like a second shadow. Weimaraners are always underfoot, curious, wanting to be involved in your activities.”

Gus is one such Weimaraner who needs attention. He begins by standing on his hind legs watching his owner intently. Gus’ dad doesn't budge and pretends to ignore him.

Seeing the staring tactic isn't working, Gus persists by putting a paw on his owner’s shoulder. After this, he gets a little eye contact from his dad, but nothing more. This still isn't enough for Gus–he wants full attention!

Gus decides to play it cool. He then pretends that he isn't looking at his owner, but remains right next to him. His dad continues to ignore him, and then turns round to stare at him. Gus can't keep the pretense up for long though, as he lets out a few yelps when he sees he is still being ignored.

Eventually his dad caves in and Gus gets the attention he'd been waiting for. According to DogHeirs, Gus’ family are pretty used to this behavior as they stated, “When Weimaraners want attention, they WANT attention!”

What do you think of this sweet dog's attempt to get his owner's attention? What's the funniest thing your pet has ever done to grab your attention? Let us know in the comments!