Cyclist Spends Nine Hours Pedaling Picture Of Giant Reindeer On Tracking App

Dec 12, 2019

For Anthony Hoyte, Christmas tradition has come to include something more. For years now, he has been making a carefully planned annual Christmas trek on his bicycle. An avid cyclist, he tracks his rides with the cycling/running app Strava. The thing that's special about this Christmastime cycling is the detailed picture that his Strava app draws as he rides.

According to ITV News, this year, Hoyte unveiled his latest masterpiece, the result of careful planning and 9 hours of cycling around London. He posted this photo on Twitter. The intricately-detailed outline of a reindeer's head was created when the GPS tracked the route of his 80-mile bicycle trek.

Hoyte told ITV News he plans his festive picture trails while looking at a map. He describes it as kind of like finding pictures in the clouds: "Normally I look at maps until I see something – ‘That looks a bit like a nose’ – so I think ‘Where can I find eyes near that?’ It’s like looking at patterns in clouds and seeing pictures."

Since he lives in the countryside more than two hours' drive (by car) from London, Hoyte doesn't do most of his cycling in London. But making a Christmastime trek around a big city is becoming a tradition now. He said each year people have started asking what he's planning as the holiday season approaches.

In the past, Hoyte's creations have included a 40-mile smiling Santa face and an 88-mile snowman wearing a hat and scarf. When it's not Christmas, Hoyte spends some of his time creating faces, animals and other pictures in what he tags #stravaart.

When he posted the GPS picture of his reindeer ride on Twitter, Hoyte said, "It's that time of the year again when I cycle round congested streets in the rain looking for some festive cheer!" Thank you, Anthony Hoyte, for reminding us that it's worth it to find -- or create! -- beauty in the little things!

Tell us what you think of Hoyte's festive cycling art! Have you ever seen anything like it? Pass this article on to your friends to see what they think of Hoyte's cycling art.