Customer Urges Fast Food Worker To Go Outside Only To Ambush Her With Ploy Making Her Cry

Jan 29, 2019

We often overlook the employees who serve us when we stop for a fast food fix. However, some customers end up forming great friendships with the employees at their favorite stop.

One special employee was having a difficult time getting herself to work due to car troubles. Her co-workers had been gracious about taking her to work when she needed it, but that was only a temporary fix. One day, she got a call from her manager to come to the front of the store. She thought she may be getting fired, but what happened next was not at all what she expected!

Vicki Anderson works at a McDonalds in South Hutchinson, Kansas. A few months ago, her 1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass Sierra ended up breaking down. She hitched rides with co-workers from then on. She ended up talking to Chris Ellis, a customer who regularly came through on her drive-thru shift, about her problem.

Vicki thought that Chris was inebriated the very first time she served him, due to the way he was talking and joking around. She since realized that Chris was just naturally a fun and easy-going guy. They struck up a sweet friendship and enjoyed each other’s company when he came through her line.

Vicki decided to ask Chris if he had any leads on a cheap vehicle. The repairs on her old car would cost more than the car itself, so Vicki decided it would be better to find a new car instead.

She was in luck! Chris’s son Josh had just purchased a new truck and was in the process of selling his old car, a 2009 Pontiac GS. Josh sold the car to his father after he found out the truth about what was to become of the car.

One day, Vicki was called to the front by her manager. Vicki was nervous about what she was being summoned for. The manager pointed to Chris, who was waiting to show her something outside. When they walked out into the parking lot, Chris pointed to the black car and told her that it was hers. Vicki thought that he was just kidding, as usual. However, this was for real! She was overjoyed with gratitude and happiness.

Check out the heart-warming video below:

How sweet! What did you think about this exchange? Do you have any similar stories? Tell us in the comment section and then pass this along for others to enjoy!