Customer Service Rep Saves Life Of Customer Living Nearly 900 Miles Away

Aug 21, 2019

Kimberly Williams is a customer service representative in Jackson, Mississippi who had a very fateful encounter with one of her customers recently. 

She was having a conversation with Dan Magennis when she noticed his speech suddenly became slurred. She suspected that he might be having a stroke, and soon after the episode began, she heard the phone drop to the floor.

At that point, she believed her suspicions were confirmed. She needed to do something to get the man some emergency intervention.

Dan had been having a normal day at his home in Walker, Michigan, up to this point. He was planning on doing some yard work that day, but he decided to first call his cable provider about a matter relating to his account. This decision probably saved his life.

Magennis said that he had felt completely normal that day, but when he tried to speak on the phone, he was unable to form words.

It's very fortunate that the customer service rep on the other end of the phone was experienced with these symptoms, and she was able to act in a manner beyond the scope of her job. Kimberly remembered the time when she was a teenager when her grandmother had suffered a stroke. The slurred speech that Dan exhibited was unmistakable to Kimberly.

Kimberly swiftly searched for the nearest phone numbers for emergency response services near Dan's home and made a call for help. Soon afterward, responders rushed to Dan's home. They brought Dan to a nearby hospital, and he was cared for at the stroke center of the facility. The doctor on call at the center was neurosurgeon Justin Singer.

Dr. Singer performed a procedure to unclog Dan's artery to restore blood flow to his brain. He acknowledged to WZZM that the quick action of Kimberly to report the emergency was vital for the success of the procedure.

Since Dr. Singer was able to unclog the blood vessel without delay, Dan recovered without any debilitating long-term damage to his brain or bodily functions. He is now recovering with almost no signs of having had a stroke.

Dan believes that if the customer service rep at his cable company hadn't acted on his behalf, it's very likely that he wouldn't be alive today.

What do you think about this customer service rep going to such lengths to save this man's life? Let us know in the comments, and don't forget to send this story to your friends and family.