Customer Gives Waitress New Vehicle After Seeing The Pile Of Junk Blue Car She Drove Every Day

Jun 24, 2019

Some people exhibit generosity that is an inspiration to people around them. Acts of kindness are one of the best ways to create a sense of goodwill in your community. If enough people take the time to think about others, it can create a wave of inspiration that can rub off on others.

A great act of generosity occurred at a Cracker Barrel restaurant when a couple in Missouri bestowed a gift on their waitress. This act was so exemplary that others have been inspired to follow suit.

The couple in question is Gary and Roxann Tackett. They were relatively new residents of a town in Missouri when they became friends with a waitress at the restaurant that they frequented.

Cindi Grady, a waitress at the Cracker Barrel, received an unusual amount of generosity from these newcomers to the small town. The waitress was facing some life challenges.

She was supporting a disabled son on her meager salary, and her car was in terrible condition with plastic wrap for windows. The old blue car's hood was also damaged with makeshift straps to keep it in place.

In light of these facts, Mr. and Mrs. Tackett decided to help their struggling friend with her vehicle situation.

Days later, Cindi's manager asked her to come outside. She thought she might be in trouble because managers don't usually pull you aside unless there is a problem.

Instead of a reprimand, Cindi found the Tackett couple waiting for her outside. Mr. Tackett began speaking with Cindi about her tattered car, and the waitress lamented about it.

In response, Gary directed Cindi toward a new car in the parking lot. It was a silver sedan with a red bow on top.

Cindi immediately realized that she was being given a gift. She was in shock, and she remarked about how beautiful the new car looked.

Inspired by this amazing act of generosity, Cindi's mechanic and auto insurance agent offered free services to ease the cost of ownership for her new vehicle.

The daughter of the generous restaurant customers shared the story on Facebook, describing her parents as the most generous and kind people she ever met.

Do you think the waitress deserved such a huge tip for her service? Let us know in the comments section and pass this along to your friends and family to inspire them today!