Cow Won't Stop Crying For Her Missing Baby - Then She Looks Through The Fence And Loses It

Mar 21, 2019

Everyone knows that a mother’s instinct is one of the strongest forces to exist on the planet. But this motherly connection doesn't just exist when the parties involved are human. No matter what species, the same bond between a mother and her children exists. When a mother and her child are separated, this bond doesn’t disappear and can cause trauma and heartbreak on both sides.

For instance, when livestock gives birth, it can be very frustrating and horrific when they are separated from their offspring by the farmers or handlers of the animals.

That’s why this story that was reported by Gentle Barn about a mother and her missing calf is so heartbreaking to hear. The mother cow’s name is Karma, and she was thankfully rescued by a sanctuary called The Gentle Barn.

When Karma was rescued, the staff from the animal sanctuary were unaware that she had previously given birth. Karma’s previous owners had hidden the baby and not disclosed the fact that she was the mother of a calf named Mr. Rojas.

They were hoping that they could sell him for profit after the rescuers took Karma. As previously mentioned, separating a mother from her calf can be very traumatic to both parties involved.

Once Karma was settling into her new home, the animal sanctuary realized that something was wrong when Karma could be found making loud noises and crying all throughout the night. Once they realized that she was actually looking for her missing calf, they knew that they had to take action. 

They set out on a mission to find Mr. Rojas to reunite the calf with Karma. The staff from the sanctuary returned to the place that they had gotten Karma from and demanded that the previous owners return the calf to them so that he could be reunited with his mother who was so desperately looking for him.

Thankfully, they were able to obtain Mr. Rojas! From the minute that the calf’s trailer pulled into the parking lot of the sanctuary, Karma could sense that he was nearby. She began communicating with him and beckoning him to come to her.

Once she lays eyes on her baby that was clearly neglected and mistreated, the sound that Karma emits from her mouth is completely heartbreaking.

You can watch their wonderful reunion in the video below. What do you think about this situation? Let us know in the comments and pass this heartwarming moment along to your friends and family to see what they think, too.