Courageous Woman Rescues Puppies From Becoming Meat

Jul 17, 2019

Although Americans think of many species of animals as food, we don’t always agree with the cultural food choices of other nations. Despite our indulgence in pork, veal, beef, chicken and other types of animals, we tend to draw the line at animals we have come to know and love up close.

One particular animal that people have an issue with her cultures eating are dogs, a species that we have domesticated and grown to appreciate as pets.

Whether you believe this choice to partake in eating dog meat is wrong or right, it’s a fact that millions of young dogs head into meat farms each and every year. These dogs are then fattened up and raised until they are large enough to use as meat to consume. In other cultures, this is seen as common practice.

In fact, Korea boasts a massive number of dog meat farms, with over 17,000 currently in production today according to the Animal Humane Society. To these cultures that differ from life in American society, they do not distinguish between the lives of dogs and other animals such as pigs or cows. Many countries overseas even think of these animals as delicacies.

However, like Americans, many Koreans do not partake in eating dog meat and would like for the practice to be halted altogether. Some do their best to advocate against it, but the laws never change banning the controversial meat. Despite the aversion against them, many Koreans do not give up the fight against dog meat farms.

A Korean woman named Nami Kim is one of them. As a retired teacher, she has become an advocate for animal rights in her home of South Korea. She regularly steps in to rescue dogs from heading to meat farms and also works to shut down cruel and inhumane businesses. Her courageous nature and advocacy are inspiring to others around her, and she works hard each and every day to save as many animals as she can.

One of her most recent missions ended in the rescue of a few puppies. Her goal after the rescue was to find them great forever homes. To help her with this process, she utilized the aid of Minnesota’s Animal Humane Society according to Fox. This organization happily accepted the puppies into their quarters and worked hard to find them, new owners.

However, transporting the puppies from overseas wasn’t the easiest process. The puppies had to be cleared medically before they were able to fly, and the process was costly. A group called Pilots N Paws eventually agreed to fly the puppies back to the United States to help the good cause. Organizing the trip was a complicated procedure, that involved many volunteers, a lot of cash, and tons of phone calls setting everything up.

However, the puppies arrived safely intact, and when the staff from the humane society made the announcement that the rescued puppies were ready to be adopted soon, members from the public that heard about the mission were excited. The ten puppies were all individually named, and they appeared grateful, healthy and happy to be rescued from their horrific conditions. When adoption day arrived, a miracle arrived when all of the puppies were adopted within one short hour. Now, these puppies will never know the horrors of a meat farm again and will spend the rest of their days in loving homes.

Hopefully, Nami Kim can inspire others to rescue even more animals from the horrific conditions of meat farming. What do you think about this story? Is it ethical to eat dog meat? Why or why not?