Couple Wandering In Their Yard Found 8 Rusty Cans And Got The Surprise Of Their Lives As They Opened Them

Nov 29, 2018

A couple in Northern California was taking a walk along with their dog one afternoon when something on the ground caught their attention. A brief inspection of the peculiar object led to a discovery that changed their lives forever.

The couple walked along the same path regularly for many years. The walks were always pleasant but nothing interesting was ever seen before this day. On this day, the woman was first to notice a rusty can protruding from beneath the ground. Most people would not have given the rusty can a second look but the woman is glad she did.

The rusty can contained gold coins that were later determined to be both old and rare. The dates on the coins placed their origin at the 1800's California Gold Rush. And if that was not shocking enough, the couple soon found there were other cans near to the first find. There were eight cans in all.

The couple was understandably shocked by their own good fortune.The gold coins in the can date from 1847 to 1894. There were 1400 gold coins in the cans. The coins were in near mint condition. The total worth of the find was $10 million.

Don Kagin is a specialist in rare coins. Kagin explains the find of the couple is the equivalent of reaching the rainbow's end and actually finding a pot of goal at the end of it.

The couple would like to remain anonymous for privacy's sake. They recently put the coins up for sale. The haul for the couple was money in numbers that most of us can only dream of.The couple used the money to pay off bills before quietly donating the remainder of their windfall to local charities.

Don Kagin relayed a message from the woman during a recent interview with a local news station. The message was to never think your self too busy or too good to check a rusty can.

You can learn more about the couple and their discovery by watching the video.

Your Thoughts

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