Couple Married For Sixty Years Share Incredible Reunion Following 215 Day Separation

Oct 24, 2020

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but sometimes the loneliness of being away from your partner is too much to bear. The following couple, Joseph and Eve Loreth from Florida, experienced such loneliness for more than seven months during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

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Sixty-one years ago, the world was a very different place. Songs such as Dream Lover, Personality, and A Big Hunk O' Love topped the charts. During this carefree time, Joseph and Eve decided to get married, according to CBS News.

Who would have thought that two kids who met at a roller skating rink would still be holding hands more than sixty years later? The Loreths have lived through wildly changing fashions, mind-boggling morality shifts, and several tumultuous wars. Through it all, the Florida couple has managed to remain together.

One Big Happy Family

A lot can happen in 61 years. In Joseph and Eve's case, they had a family of five children. Today, this pair of 80-year-olds has more than 9 grandchildren.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Joseph developed a serious health problem, as CBS News reports. He needed to have a leg amputated. Then he had to stay in the hospital until he was well enough to go to a rehabilitation facility.

Precautions Everywhere

As the weeks turned into months, the global pandemic escalated. As a result, the medical staff at Joseph's rehabilitation facility didn't let Eve visit. At the end of five months, the couple thought that Eve would be allowed to visit since she had just been admitted to the rehabilitation facility herself, reports CBS News.

The Loreths looked forward to their reunion despite the circumstances. Imagine how they felt when they were informed that their reunion was limited to sharing the same address. The Rosecastle at Delaney Creek staff wouldn't budge on their strict COVID-19 social distancing guidelines and infection prevention protocols.

Love Finds A Way

The Loreths did what anyone else would, or could, do in their situation; they made the best of it. Since they couldn't sneak in a kiss or two every day, they exchanged loving words over the phone. They also sometimes visited one another's windows.

After just over seven months or 215 days of separation, the Loreths were finally able to skip the partition, spend time together, and hold hands. The two hugged and were delighted to be together again. The staff cried tears of joy over the couple's happiness.

"I love you," Joseph said when the two reunited, as viewers will see in the video below. "I didn't think I would ever get over here. I missed you so much…For sixty years I've done something right." 

Reunions All Around

Joseph and Eve Loreth's reunion was quite moving. Have you been separated from loved ones due to COVID-19 or other reasons? Perhaps you've had a reunion or anticipate one. Let us know and pass this heartwarming story on to give others hope that there are some bright spots during this tough time.

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