Couple Married For 71 Years Passed Away On The Same Day – Exactly 12 Hours Apart.

Jul 21, 2019

For more than seven decades, the Delaigles remained married and loved one another until their very last breath. 

Herbert Delaigle passed away on Friday, 12th of July at 2:20 am at the age of 94. Just 12 hours later, his wife Frances passed at the age of 88, at roughly 2:20 p.m. that same afternoon.

According to an interview the couple did with WDRW last year to celebrate their 70th anniversary, they met in a cafe when Herbert was 22 and Frances was 16.

"Frances worked at a little cafe we had in Waynesboro named White Way Cafe," he told the outlet. "I kept seeing her going in and out, in and out and I had my eyes set on her. And then I finally got up the nerve to ask her if she would go out with me sometime."

Following a year of dating, Herbert plucked up the courage to ask Frances to spend the rest of their lives together. 

"I asked her will she have me as her husband and she said, of course," 

According to Herbert, the wedding was almost called off because they were an hour late to the church. 

"He was always late," Frances explained.

Herbert's obituary states that he served the United States Army for 22 years as a Master Sergeant during WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Frances even lived in Germany for six years to be close to her husband during WWII. 

The couple is survived by six children, 16 grandchildren, 25 great grand children and three great great grandchildren.

Our condolences to the Delaigle family. Do you know a couple who has been together for so long? What is their secret to long-lasting love? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!