Couple Married 82 Years Claims No Secret To Happy Life Together, Just Be Kind To Each Other

Apr 17, 2019

Willie Williams, 100-years-old, and D.W. Williams, 103-years-old, are a couple who have been married for 82 amazing years.

The couple was surrounded by loving family and friends who were eager to celebrate their marriage and the many years of love they have enjoyed together.

The guests showed up to the First Mayfield Memorial Baptist Church to celebrate the amazing couple at the party.

Family and friends say that the two are an amazing inspiration to everyone who knows them. BJ Williams-Greene is the granddaughter of the couple, and it was her own mother who wanted to throw the party for Willie and D.W. on March 31.

“To see them at this age and still doing well, it’s just a blessing to have them here,” Williams-Greene told WSOC-TV.

The pair have been married for 82 long years and are still going strong.

The pair have certainly lived through a lot, that is for sure! They made it through The Great Depression, the Vietnam War, World War II, and the civil rights movement. On the day of their party, they were happy to take a bunch of selfies with everybody there. The couple has shown family and friends just what love and devotion really is.

They joined in with singing and dancing and were happy to share all of the many memories they have made in the past 80 years together. Willie said that there really isn’t a big secret when it comes to a happy marriage. She said that you should just be nice to your partner during your marriage. However, BJ has watched her grandparents interact over the years and believes that one of the keys to their success is open communication.

"It's communication and loving each other and working together. They are each other's best friend." She told WSOC.

She also said that the two are best friends. When the pair was asked what would happen if they had another 100 years together, they laughed. They both said that they had no idea what the two of them would do for a 100 more years, although Willie joked that they would probably just sit around their house.

We would like to say congratulations to this amazing couple who is teaching the world what love is. We are so glad it is inspiriting people all over the country. Check out the video below:

Did you love this couple as much as us? Let us know in the comments and then pass this along to others!