Couple Adopts 'Little' Shelter Puppy, Return Home And Notice Their Hilarious Mistake

Oct 09, 2018

If you're a dog person, you know it's hard to relate to those who couldn't care less about your four-legged friends. Every dog you see on the street is cause for celebration, and you would gladly own your own pack if space and money allowed.

So what happens when you fall in love with someone who doesn't get the hype around canines? This is probably one of the most devastating things that can happen. How can they not squeal at the sight of wriggling puppies or grown-up dogs doing their happy dance when they get a treat? It's nonsense! Sue Markham married someone who didn't share her love for dogs, so it took a lot of finessing on her end to convince him to let her adopt a new furry friend. He agreed, but only if the pup was small and wouldn't cause much trouble. 

Sue, of course, wound up falling in love with a "tiny" puppy at the local shelter. When she brought him home, she told her husband that the dog was a Jack Russell terrier. The breed typically doesn't grow larger than 18 pounds, which certainly fit the bill of small by Sue's husband's standards.

But Sue had a secret.

The puppy she fell in love with at the shelter wouldn't be tiny for long. Yogi was actually a Great Dane. Robert had no idea, but he'd soon come to realize that Yogi was no Jack Russel. By the time the massive dog's true size started to show, Sue's husband, Robert, wasn't even mad. He'd already fallen in love with Yogi and was starting to understand his wife's love for dogs. 

Yogi is a big dog, but he's actually even considered large for his own breed. At 200 pounds, he has nearly 65 pounds on the Great Dane average weight of 135 pounds. When he stands on his hind legs, Yogi is a staggering 6 feet 11 inches, which is as tall as some NBA players. Robert had an interview with Daily Mail and explained his reaction to Yogi's massive stature.

"I thought a big dog would be a lot of work," he said. By the time Yogi reached five months old, Robert realized that his tail was "like a baseball bat" and he was much bigger than any other Jack Russell they saw running around the park.

Yogi is basically the size of a horse. He dwarfs both of his owners, and he even wears a jacket designed for horses when it's cold out. When Yogi was first adopted, he only weighed 1 pound. Now, he's 200 pounds and eats $213 worth of food every month. 

While he may be a lot more than his dad bargained for, Yogi is a beloved member of the Markham household and quite spoiled to say the least. Each morning, he dines on four freshly scrambled eggs and sausages. He also has his own couch for optimal TV viewing. The only member of the family allowed on Yogi's special sofa is Toffee, an old neighborhood cat who visits the Markham household to see his friend.

Dog lovers, tell us. Is there really such thing as "too big" when it comes to canines? Show this also to your friends and family.