Cop Tears Up Talking About Woman He & Wife Assisted After Pulling Her Over For Expired Plates

Feb 07, 2019

Law enforcement is a difficult line of work. Our society has laws, and they must be obeyed by every citizen. Often times, however, enforcing the law means putting an unnecessary strain on the human condition. Writer Victor Hugo knew full well the difficulty that comes with enforcing the law in his classic 1862 novel Les Misérables.

In the story, Jean Valjean, is sentenced to 19 years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his starving family. Upon his release, French Bishop Bienvenue offers Jean sanctuary. One night, the desperate Jean steals some silver from the bishop. Apprehended soon after, Bishop Bienvenue chooses not to press charges on Jean, realizing that the crime was not worth the punishment.

A police officer in Clive, Iowa recently got a chance to put Bishop Bienvenue’s spirit of benevolence into practice.

Officer David Liska is not your typical police officer. While part of his job is writing people tickets, Officer Liska recently confessed to KCCI that he hates giving people citations.

While out on a routine patrol, Officer Liska spotted a car driven by Lauren Bruner. As Lauren’s license plates were expired, Officer Liska pulled her car over, knowing that he would have to write a ticket.

Examining Lauren’s information, Officer Liska came to realize that Lauren had an even bigger problem: she had no car insurance.

Officer Liska asked Lauren for an explanation on why she was behind with her insurance and license plates.

As tears stung her eyes, Lauren explained that she planned on fixing the problem with her next paycheck, which would come on the following Friday at her new place of employment.

The young woman also told Officer Liska that she had just recently come out of the hospital and was battling depression.

Upon hearing Lauren’s explanation, Officer Liska immediately felt empathy for the wayward motorist. Explaining to reporters, Officer Liska says that he has a daughter who is battling depression and knows how much of a toll the condition can take on people.

Looking for a way to help Lauren, Officer Liska decided to call his wife, Ellen. Arriving at the location, Ellen drove Lauren to an inspection station where Ellen renewed the tags for Lauren’s car.

Ellen then did something even better: she purchased a full month of car insurance for Lauren. As the two stopped for smoothies, Lauren was beyond grateful for the compassion showed by the Liskas.

Later in the day, Michelle Bruner, Lauren’s mom, posted news of the Liskas’ kindness on Facebook. Thanking the couple for all that they did for Lauren, Michelle says that their actions are the work of God.

Ever humble, Officer Liska says that, as a police officer, his job puts him in a position to see just how much pain there is in the world.

As a naturally empathetic person, Officer Liska says that he doesn’t do anything special, he just tries to improve the world by lending a helping hand.

What do you think of the kindness shown by the Liska family? Has anyone ever gone above the call the duty to help you or someone you know? Let us know in the comments and pass this inspiring story along to your friends and family!