Construction Worker Hears Woman Screaming Inside White Truck And Rescues Her From Kidnapper

Mar 18, 2019

Taylor O’Neill thought he would experience another routine day as a construction worker. He walked down a Santa Ana, CA street not expecting anything out of the ordinary. And then he heard a woman's screams coming from a truck.

O'Neill was shocked, but not so shocked that he couldn't act. O'Neill became a hero when he responded to the cries and saved a woman who fell victim to a kidnapping.

Among the greatest fears among all people would be falling victim to a kidnapping. In 1940s B-movie detective films, kidnapping involves ransoms.

In real life, abductions come with all-too-tragic results. Many kidnapping victims are never found. Their names find their way to a list of cold cases and become forgotten by all but family members.

Mercifully, this situation turned out differently.

O'Neill saw a man and a woman struggling inside a pickup truck. O'Neill realized the situation was serious when he saw total fear in the woman's face.

Even more alarming, he noticed her mouth was taped shut.

O'Neill responded by trying to open the truck's locked door. When he wasn't able to open the door, he started banging on the truck's window. His actions were enough to disrupt the altercation and save the woman.

O'Neill wisely took a photograph of the pickup truck's license plate. The photo allowed police to track down the driver.

Soon after, the media reported the event and described the driver as an "alleged rapist."

Few people would show the same level of courage Taylor O’Neill displayed. Hopefully, he serves as an inspiration to others.

The average person fears the dangers of crime, and rightfully so. The story of Taylor O'Neill's courage does show average people are willing to fight crime and do so without superpowers. Tell others about O'Neill's heroism to instill people's confidence in humanity.