Coffee Shop Installs Sign Notifying Employees Of 'Grandpa'

Dec 11, 2020

An 81-year-old man from Concord, California, has forged such a wholesome friendship with employees at a Dunkin’ outlet in his city that they even have a sign about him displayed in the store. Read on to find out what they get up to!

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Anyone who has worked in a coffee shop would probably know what it’s like to have a favorite customer. The employees at one Dunkin’ outlet in Concord, California certainly do! His name is Gilbert "Gil" Walker, or ‘Grandpa’ as he is more affectionately known. Walker is an 81-year-old former high school business teacher and athletics coach who retired in 2000, according to PEOPLE magazine.

It all started when Walker started looking for a new coffee place back in March. He and his friends used to hang out at Peet’s Coffee, a place he frequented for years, but stopped when the pandemic started as they were no longer allowed to sit inside. 

"Once this thing hit, we couldn't stay inside anymore so I started looking for places I could just drive-by and not get out of my truck," Walker told PEOPLE.

Walker, who has been living in Concord for 57 years, had visited other coffee places before he made the decision to go to this particular Dunkin’.

Recalling his first visit to this Dunkin’ branch, Walker said: "It had a different feel about it. The [employees] were so wonderful and so nice and friendly.” He added that the staff reminded him of the students he used to teach. “When I retired in 2000, the only thing I missed was the kids and when I saw these employees, it reminded me of the kids I had in school."

Walker enjoyed the vibe of the place and the friendliness of the place so much that he became a regular customer there. During one of his visits, while speaking to the shop’s owner, Matt Cobo, Walker learned that the business of the store was not doing great and though Cobo had no plans to lay off any of his 14 employees, he was forced to cut their working hours.

Walker decided that he wanted to do something to help. So on his next visit to the shop, he presented Cobo with an envelope of $280. It was 14 $20-bills, one for each of Cobo’s employees. Walker says that it was his way of showing his appreciation.

"I decided to do what I could to help out a little bit," Walker said. "Life has been good to my wife [Virginia] and I, here in Concord... We're retired teachers, we're not rich, but we have enough to share with what we have."

Walker says that it was his way of showing his appreciation. "Every day, I'm greeted with warmness and love and affection, and it's just amazing,” he says. "I saw a way to give back a little and I couldn't think of a nicer group of kids than what I was experiencing at Dunkin', and I think Matt has a lot to do with that."

Since that time, the staff forged a special bond with Walker and also started a ‘kindness war’ with him. Walker would come in daily to get his usual order, an iced coffee and a maple bar for him and an iced chai latte for his wife, Ginny. But every time he tries to pay for it, the staff will adamantly refuse to take his money.

They would tell him that the car in front of him settled his bill or that their cash register is spoiled. Cobo even put up a sign that jokingly reads: “ATTENTION: Anyone who lets ‘Grandpa’ pay is terminated immediately.”

When the staff do take his money, they give him “change” but it’s actually the original amount he paid in smaller notes. But that hasn’t stopped Walker from attempting to pay, he has even tried throwing money out the window and then driving off.

As if that all isn’t enough, the staff gave Walker a special treat on his birthday in October. Cobo says that he and his staff have plans to have a barbecue party and a backyard golf tournament at Walker’s house once the pandemic dies down.

"This guy has given us so much," added Cobo. "He's just an amazing guy. He's funny, he's caring... He thinks he's getting more out of it, but really we get more out of it."

"When it comes to the reciprocity and generosity, they're ahead of me and I'll never catch up…” Walker says. “I've been through a lot of drive-thrus before, but I've never seen anything like this."

What do you think of Walker's special bond with the staff of this Dunkin'? Tell us your thoughts on the story!

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