Cocker Spaniel Waits Patiently In Front Of Dryer Until His Stuffed Bear Is ‘Safe’

Jul 05, 2020

In November 2018, Jacqueline Estey posted a video on her Twitter page showing her dog, a Cocker Spaniel named Habs, watching his favorite teddy bear sat in front of the dryer the whole cycle just to make sure it would be okay.

Plenty of us can remember having a favorite stuffed animal as a child. It was the one toy we would take with us everywhere, without fail. And, if you own a pet, you might have noticed there's one toy they always bring to you when they want to play. Maybe they even take it with them to the dog park, to bed, or as they traverse the house.

For one cocker spaniel named Habs, his favorite toy is a giant stuffed bear. However, much like a child's favorite stuffed animal, this giant bear had to be washed. But Habs made sure that no harm came to his bear as he sat patiently in front of the washer and drier to monitor the process.

For Habs, we can tell this giant stuffed bear is far more than just a toy. It's his best friend, who he hangs out with as though it was a person. If you look at Habs' Instagram page, which his owner runs, you'll see that most of his pictures feature this large bear. Habs likes to spend time with his bear throughout the course of the day.

It's absolutely wholesome. Truthfully, it reminds us of our attachment to our stuffed animals as children. Unfortunately for Habs, his best friend had gotten dirty and eventually needed washing. His mom took Habs's bear and put it through a wash cycle in their laundry room. Habs, however, noticed the absence of his bear immediately and followed his mother downstairs to find out what was going on.

Upon realizing that his bear was in the washing machine, Habs sat down, patiently watching the machine cycle. Luckily, both the washer and dry have clear doors, so Habs never felt like he was far from his friend. Once the teddy bear was out of the washing machine, his mother moved it over to the dryer.

Half expecting Habs to have given up his guard duty, we were all a bit surprised to see that he was also patiently watching as his bear went through the dryer, too, making sure he was safe and okay the entire time. His owner said he never let his bear leave his sight throughout the process.

When his owner took it out of the dryer, she set it outside for just a few minutes to make sure it was dry all the way through. Habs, however, was confused. He went back downstairs, looking in the washing machine for his best friend in yet another video shared by his owner.

All of our hearts melted, watching him peek into both the washer and dryer. He was clearly concerned about his teddy bear's safety. Once his owner brought it back inside, we saw an adorable update in which the two were cuddling together again, reunited at last.

Honestly, this whole process shows just how adorable dogs can be. Much like humans, dogs form attachments to inanimate objects all the time. While figuring out exactly what makes them choose one object over the other can be difficult, it's often very similar to the way we make these decisions.

They like how it feels, or it has a nice texture. Maybe they enjoy the color of the object itself. Whatever it is, Habs made sure his favorite bear received the protection it deserved during its bathtime.

Did you feel your heart melt as much as we did when Habs watched over his bear? Have you ever had a pet who was this concerned about their favorite toy? Let us know what you think of this adorable video!