Choose A Feather And Discover Hidden Aspects Of Your Personality With This Test

Aug 02, 2018

Feathers are light, soft reminders that life is more than a daily grind. Birds have the ability to fly freely, and their feathers are a call to lighten our hearts in a similar way. Your choice of feather can say a lot about what your hopes and dreams actually are. Choose one of these colorful feathers and take a closer look into what your choice has to say about you.

Scroll down to see what your feather choice reveals:

The Feather Of Simplicity

If you chose this feather, you desire the simple things in life above all else. You shy away from complicated and overly difficult situations. You tend to prefer minimalism in your decorating schemes, and like people who are quiet and reflective in their mannerisms. When solving problems, you are easily able to get at the core essence and see your way to a clever solution. People trust you to see the world with a greater clarity than others.

The Feather Of Variety

Above all else, you crave variation in life. You are a restless, carefree spirit who definitely seeks out adventure and novelty. You are always trying new restaurants and new clubs. You always seem to reinvent yourself every few years. People who choose the feather of variety are very creative and are always busy with interesting projects. You can be counted on to come up with innovative solutions to life’s challenges.

The Feather Of Colors

You long to have a life that is rich and colorful. You cultivate surroundings that are varied in texture and hue; you are an artist at heart. You have a wide assortment of friends and acquaintances; you are a bit of a social butterfly. Adventure seems to beckon from every corner of the world, and you have a chronic case of wanderlust. People love that you bring verve and zest to everything you do.

The Feather Of Stability

People who choose this feather want to have a life that is smooth and easy-going. Although the occasional adventure might be welcome, these excursions must be carefully planned and plotted. You want to enjoy life at a relaxed pace that gives you time to savor the quiet moments. Others count on you to be steady and dependable.

The Feather Of Focus

If you chose this feather, you want to be able to dive deeply into the things that intrigue you most. No matter what you are passionate about, you want to experience that passion fully. You like to be able to give your entire focus to projects, relationships, studies, and other endeavors as frequently as possible. Others value your wise counsel and learned opinion; you are often the voice of reason in confusing situations.

Which feather did you choose? Be sure to show this fun quiz to a friend and let them choose a feather for themselves. This is an amusing and simple way to discover the distinctive aspects of your personality.