Children Who Play In Nature Grow Up Stronger and Healthier, According to Studies

Jul 29, 2019

How many of us often look back on our childhood and remember being out in the mud? So many of us used to play in the dirt, splash in mud puddles, and run through all kinds of messes. Back then, getting dirty was so much fun! Sure, maybe our parents yelled a lot about the mess. But who cared?

There is a reason why children who play around in the mud and sand will often grow up to be healthier. 

According to studies conducted and an interview with 3,000 families, author Richard Louv found that many kids are content staying in their homes. But Louv insists that it's often beneficial for kids to be in touch with the different microorganisms in the dirt and grass. Interacting with them helps to develop their immune systems.

The immune system protects our bodies from external invaders that can threaten our health. It does this by detecting the substances that will likely generate infection and disease. Once detected, the immune system battles against them.

However, the immune system has to first adapt to microorganisms from the outside.

As children get older, they begin to become more resistant to certain types of germs. When they have already been exposed to these germs, the immune system knows how to attack the invaders.

While it can be a muddy mess to clean up, playing outside in the dirt and mud is actually good for most kids. It is definitely something that more parents need to consider.

In addition, playing outdoors encourages creative thoughts, minimizes depression and stress, and makes kids happier.

Physical activity is important no matter what. Even if you ignore the advantages of a healthy immune system, playing outside as a young kid helps battle obesity, stress, and depression.

What are your thoughts? Do your children play outdoors in the dirt, or would you rather they stay indoors? Leave us a comment below and pass this on to other parents!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!