Chihuahua Saves Heartbroken Man’s Life—In Return, He Has Now Rescued More Than 30 Little Pups

May 08, 2019

There was a time when Bobby considered himself a Rottweiler type of guy who would never consider adopting a small dog like a chihuahua.

But this was before Bobby was suddenly divorced after 17 years of marriage. Bobby was so devastated by the divorce he even considered ending his own life.

According to the Dodo, Bobby found himself slipping into depression following a sudden divorce after 17 years of marriage. A week later, his shoulder was injured when working out at the gym. With no gym and a recent divorce, Bobby's heart was in pieces.

"I’m a very sensitive person and she was my world,” Humphreys told the Dodo. “I was lost. I started drinking for a purpose instead of just socially.”

Fortunately for Bobby, his friend Connie did not leave his side throughout his ordeal. Bobby says Connie showed him what friendship is supposed to look like. She refused to lose him to depression and would not leave him alone. Bobby says he could never repay what he owes Connie.

One day, Connie asked him for a favor:

“She messages me one day saying, ‘Do you mind if Lady stays with you for a little while?’” said Humphreys.

She was moving and would not be able to take Lady, her chihuahua, to her new place. She needed Bobby to take Lady in until she could make other arrangements. Bobby had met Lady before and felt the dog was a bit unfriendly, so he felt a bit hesitant. He eventually gave in and accepted to watch Lady for a while as he wanted to help out his friend, Connie.

Connie left Lady at Bobby's house while he was still at work. Once he returned to his home, he walked slowly in the direction of the chihuahua and noticed her peeping out of her kennel.

“After about 15 minutes I said, ‘Screw it, I don’t care if this dog bites me or not, she is not going to be sitting in a kennel,’” Humphreys told the Dodo. “Connie came over to check on her an hour and a half later and when she walked in, she was totally amazed. Lady was in my lap, and we’ve been inseparable ever since.”

Bobby and Lady became the best of buddies over the next four months.

“I was missing a lot of work, I couldn’t get out of bed,” said Humphreys. “The only thing that was keeping me going was Lady. I’d lay in bed all day with her, we’d play, we got so close. I fell in love with this little dog.”

When it was time for her to go home to her family, Bobby decided he wanted to adopt a chihuahua of his own. Kira was the dog he chose to provide with a home. Kira had been living in an abusive home and was not quite comfortable around people. It was Bobby's mission to show her the love and patience that would allow her to trust humans again.

The experience with Kira was so positive Bobby decided he wanted a chihuahua from puppyhood. He located a puppy named Harley online. And once Bobby became aware of the situation that was once Harley's home, he couldn't help but adopt her sister Quinn.

Bobby went on the search for more puppies in need and has rescued 30 chihuahuas to date. He now matches these dogs with loving families. Bobby says he feels better as a person each time he assures a dog will never experience neglect or abuse again.

“I’m a big guy, but I’m technically living in this little world, because no matter if there’s 37 like there are now, or there’s two, my entire life revolves around them,” he said. “There’s just a heart inside these guys that’s truly amazing.”

Bobby has since founded the Big Guy, Littles Worlds Sanctuary organization that aims to rescue, foster and protect small, vulnerable dogs. 

What do you think of Bobby's story? Do you think it's sweet that this guy discovered his soft spot? Show this story to your friends to put a smile on their faces. The animal lovers among them will give you an extra thanks.