Cat Surprises Foster Mom With Litter Of Cute Baby Cats

Sep 11, 2020

Earlier in the summer, Lucy Laucht, a photographer based in both UK and New York, got an exciting surprise when she brought a foster cat into her home without realizing she was pregnant until the kittens were born.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

In the video, Lucy says she noticed Kiki building a nest, she never suspected a pregnancy because she assumed Kiki was spayed. Most foster animals are spayed before they leave the facility that Kiki was from.

Lucy also noticed that Kiki was tired a lot, so she made calls to local veterinarian doctors. Even though three vets told her the kitty was in labor, Lucy was still in denial and thought everyone else was crazy.

It was only when the first kitten's head appeared that Lucy realized that Kiki truly was pregnant and in labor, and was able to have a nice laugh at the surprise. When Lucy went to bed that night, Kiki had only had two kittens at the time.

She worried all night about how Kiki and her kittens were doing, and whether they would be okay. However, the surprises weren't over yet! When Lucy woke up the next morning, there was a third kitten. It's not common, but apparently this does happen once in a while when cats give birth, according to the video by The Dodo.

Even though Lucy had no idea what she was in for when she fostered Kiki, she is so excited to have three kittens and a cat in her home. She has already named the kittens and understood their personality, and loves having these furry beings around to take care of.

Huxley is the naughty kitten, Pancake is the kitten with a wild streak, and Orwell is the quiet and small kitten.

Since Huxley and Pancake are so close, Lucy found them a home down the road from where they were born. She has also formally adopted Kiki and Orwell because they have a strong bond and wanted to keep them together.

Through this whole experience, Lucy says she's learned it is so important to foster or adopt animals, and encourages everyone watching the video to do the same because she's got the most amazing companions. Even though she didn't really know what fostering Kiki would mean for her, this loving, affectionate animal became her best friend. 

What do you think of Lucy's sweet companions? Do you have a similar story to share? Let us know in the comments! If you have a friend who loves cats, brighten their day by letting them know about Lucy's story. 

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