Cat From The UK Born With Permanently Shocked Expression

Nov 27, 2019

Few can resist the temptation to pore over adorable photos of fluffy kittens for hours. What if a cat doesn’t quite match this cat calendar ideal? Meet a kitten that breaks the mold when it comes to appearance.

Standing Out At The Animal Shelter

Kennels of cute, mewing kittens are a shelter standard. In fact, visitors frequently find it hard to go home with just one. For this reason, any little cat that doesn’t fit the profile of purring and pretty can be left behind until kittenhood is a distant memory.

A Stunning Look

Zelda is one such cat. Although her elegant black and white tuxedo coat pattern is classic, her expression is not. Zelda’s wide eyes and tall ears make her appear as if she’s permanently startled.

Zelda’s Met Her Match

About three years ago, Matt Tagioff went to a local shelter in search of a furry companion. As he approached Zelda’s kennel, he was greeted by a sign that read, “don’t be put off by my spooked expression.” Matt wasn’t. In fact, he loved Zelda enough to adopt her and bring her home.

And So Has Everyone Else

Once home, Zelda eagerly settled into her life as Matt’s housecat and Matt got to work snapping cute photos of her for his social media page. Each photo is accompanied by Matt’s entertaining explanations for Zelda’s expression. The most popular post admonishes, “Please be careful not to overcharge your Zelda.”

Now, Zelda has her very own Twitter account with over 16,000 followers. With a following like that, it's safe to say she's become an internet sensation. 

What do you think of this most unusual creature? Do you know a pet with a distinctive appearance? Write your own account here or be amazed by stories from other animal lovers through various social media venues.