Carjacker Gets Into Vehicle And Attempts To Kidnap Sisters But The Eldest Outsmarts Him

Nov 29, 2019

Brandie Weiler thought that she was in for a fun family day with her daughters. The mother was on her way to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia, with 12-year-old Maddie and 7-year-old Mollie when they avoided a potentially tragic situation.

Brandie told ABC News that the three were en route to a theme park when they saw a car accident. Because Brandie was concerned about the vehicle's occupants, she pulled over to help. However, while she was on the phone with the emergency dispatch calling for assistance, the man who caused the wreck started to approach the van that was carrying Maddie and Mollie.

Realizing that this was not normal, Brandie began screaming and rushing toward her daughters. However, before she could reach the van, the carjacker got into the vehicle and started yelling that he needed to get out of this place.

He then tried to leave with the two girls still in the van. Fortunately, Maddie and Mollie come from a family of police officers and firefighters, giving them the knowledge of how to handle situations such as this.

Maddie said she just went for it and let her instincts take over. “Nothing passed my mind except, he is a psycho and he needs to get out of the car,” the 12-year-old told WKTR. She started to punch the man in the face while screaming for help. The decisions that she made clearly helped save the day for both her and her little sister.

Maddie should be celebrated for her incredible bravery and strong instincts. After you have watched this video of a heroic tale, be sure to spread the story to everyone else in your social network.