Caretaker Becomes First Ever Person To Teach A Gorilla To Do A Handstand

Jan 25, 2019

At Busch Gardens in Tampa Bay, Florida, Rachel Hale works as an animal care specialist and conservationist. For almost four years, Rachel worked with Bolingo who is an African low land gorilla. The pair quickly developed a very special bond between them.

Myombe Reserve has seven gorillas in their park and Bolingo is one of them. Bolingo is best known for his outgoing and curious personality. He is very active and happy. He loves his weekly exercises with Rachel.

These exercises work to not only boost physical and mental strength but to also build trust with Rachel. Bolingo works to mimic her movements such as stretching or dancing. He loves his sessions with her.

However, one of the exercises they do together made Bolingo and Rachel viral video stars.

Everyone went crazy over one of their enrichment sessions that was caught on video. In the video, Rachel shows that she is the first known person to show and teach a gorilla how to do a handstand.

In the viral video, Rachel surprises the zoo-goers when she flips herself upside down and kicks her feet up against the glass.

Soon after, Bolingo does the same. He creates a mirror image of her on the other side of the glass.

Rachel states that she has a very special relationship with Bolingo. She loves seeing him sprint towards her when he knows and enrichment session is coming. Rachel states that she never gets tired of that feeling. Bolingo and Rachel have a bond like no other.