Captivating Footage Shows How Deep Snow Is Cleared in Yellowstone Park

Feb 05, 2019

Ever wonder how places that get a lot of snow get the snow off the roof of their businesses. Well, this video can show your first-hand how it is done – at least in Yellowstone Park, that is! It shows how you can get over 7 feet of snow off the roof with ease.

Stores in Yellowstone National Park have to deal with a lot of things. One of these things is the snow. And sometimes they get a lot of it. On January 14, 2019, the Canyon General Store in Wyoming, Montana was covered in snow – 7 feet of it!

Kerry Countryman was visiting the area and came upon the store. On the roof on top of the store was an employee who was working to remove the snow. He had a system down pat.

Apparently, it was not the first time he had needed to remove large amounts of snow from the roof because he made it seem easy to do.

The removal consisted of the worker using a saw to slice the snow into chunks. Then, he used two shovels to wedge under the large chunk of snow that was the size of a huge refrigerator. This dislodged it from the roof. He then guided the huge chunk of snow down the roof and onto the ground.

The method was impressive and mesmerizing to watch. But it looked like it takes a lot of time and muscle to get the whole roof cleared.

However, not removing the snow and the enormous weight of it from the roof is not an option. The weight of the snow could cause problems to the store and even collapse the roof if not removed.

So, take a look at the video and let us know what you think. Do you think you take on the gargantuan task of removing all the snow from a not-so-little rooftop? Or would you call in sick? Send the video to your friends and see what they have to say!