Camera Secretly Captures Tiny Two-Year-Old Sneaking Out Of Bed To Cuddle With His Dog

Aug 15, 2020

Dogs are some of the most intuitive creatures. Somehow, they always know exactly what to do at exactly the right time. It's a good thing 28-year-old mother-of-four, Paige, set-up a camera to watch 23-month-old Finn Knudtson and captured this video on July 3, 2020, from Richmond, Virginia. When this cute, little nearly-two-year-old decided to climb out of bed in the middle of the night to cuddle with the family dog, our hearts melted.

While some kids take an interest in escaping their confines to play with toys or cause mischief, Finn Knudtston of Richmond, Virginia simply wants to curl up next to his best friend. A four-year-old boxer named Brutus has become best friends with Finn. So much so, that Finn even likes to escape his crib at night to sleep with the comfy pooch.

Friends from the Start

According to The Daily Mail, when Finn's mother was 20 weeks pregnant, she found out the infant she was carrying had a heart defect. Luckily, her doctors were able to catch it in time and perform a corrective surgery when Finn was only 11 days old. After seven more weeks passed and another surgery took place, Finn was able to leave the hospital and go home with his family. Upon arriving at home,

Finn and Brutus immediately hit it off. The rest is history. It is as though Brutus knew this little guy needed some extra love and attention. He has been by Finn's side ever since, and it appears that Finn took it to heart.

Growth and Development for this Duo

Eventually, the time comes when every child needs to transition into a larger bed. When the time came for two-year-old Finn, you better believe Brutus was right by his side. Developing a sweet nightly routine, both Finn and Brutus would climb into one another's bed for a late-night snuggle prior to drifting off to dreamland.

Mom, Paige, began documenting the process with a series of hilarious, but cute, photos that Finn will always have to look back and remember his canine friend. However, the best instance of their relationship was captured on Nanny cam one night, long after Finn and Brutus had been put to bed.

Sweet Dreams...or Not?

Paige tucked her little boy into bed and assumed him to be asleep when she departed from his room for the evening. Little did she know, Finn had some plans of his own. Sliding down off his bed, with a blanket in tow, little Finn found comfort next to Brutus on the floor beside his bed.

Though mom was watching on her phone, she did not interrupt the two, as she knew exactly what was happening and did not want to interrupt the moment. Climbing all over Brutus in search of the perfect spot to lay down, Finn finally settles in at the dog's side with his trusted blanket in tow. While mom knew exactly what was going on, she just let the two friends be. The relationship that Finn and Brutus have is one to be cherished, and Paige understands the comfort they get from one another.

A Lifelong Bond of Friendship

This video melts our hearts, knowing that Brutus understands that Finn needs him just as much as Brutus needs his human. Let your friends and family know about this intimate bond that is shared between a little boy and his dog, too. We would love to hear what you think about this video!