Calling For Bark-Up — Puppy Goes To Bigger Dog For Protection After Cat Takes Swipe At Him With His Claws

Nov 09, 2020

Cats seem to have varying ways of expressing their feelings. Some like to climb on top of you to cuddle up. Others will sit next to you without wanting to be touched. Then you have some that are outright mean. In this video from November 2020, one cat decided to show his dominance towards a little dog by swiping at the pooch and soon regretted it when the bigger friend came to help.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

The Backstory

A homeowner in New York owns three pets. A seven-year-old cat named Marvin, a four-month-old Cavapoo dog named Louie, and a one-year-old dog named Leela all cohabitate with one another. Marvin, being the oldest, tends to believe he runs the place. Louie is the youngest so he is a little shy. And Leela seems to have a relaxed personality.

The problem with this arrangement is that Marvin seems to be a bully. He seems to treat Louie terribly at times. We all know that animals like to rough house with one another ever so often, but the interaction between these two in the video below is a bit sad.

Like most owners of pets, she likes to record her babies and keep an eye on them. It should be assumed that she will step in if things get out of hand with any of them. Fortunately for Louie, he has a way to keep Marvin away from him.

Video Footage

In the opening clip of the video, we see Marvin grabbing onto Louie by his head and pulling it to the floor. Marvin has his claws out and is digging them into the poor pooch's skin. Louie struggles to get out of the headlock but Marvin will not let go.

He fights a while longer but cannot stand the pain. He eventually lets out a whimper and after hearing this, Marvin finally releases his grip. The woman, who is behind the two inside of the bathroom, feels bad for the little guy.

You can hear her let out an “Awww” after hearing him cry. It is not bad enough for her to step in so she continues to record the two. Louie seems to want to get further into the bathroom but Marvin is forbidding him to do so. He tries one more time to get passed but Marvin starts to swing at him.

He lets out another whimper after getting hit before giving up. He turns around, sits on the floor for a couple of seconds, and then walks out of the bathroom. Feeling triumphant, Marvin sits on the floor believing that he defeated the efforts of poor little Louie.

While staring out in the last direction Louie went in, the woman starts to scold him. “Marvin? Marvin! Did you have to use the claws?” He slightly turns his head towards her but does not pay her any attention.

He continues to stare outside the bathroom for reason. It seems as if he is waiting for Louie to return, preparing himself for another beat down. The little guy does come back but he is not alone.

Next thing you know, one-year-old Leela comes barreling in with Louie by her side. She is shielding him from any more attacks by Marvin. Realizing he is outnumbered and outmatched, Marvin jumps on top of the basin to prevent any personal injuries.

You can see how elated Louie is that he can finally get into the bathroom to be near the woman. During the last couple of seconds, before the camera veers away, you can see another dog is in the tub.

There is no information stating the relationship between Louie, Leela, and this dog. Maybe that dog is who Louie wanted to get close to or it could be that they all were getting ready for a bath.

In the very last part of the clip, we can hear the woman tell Marvin “Ooh yeah, yeah! He brings in the big guns and you run!” She continues to laugh at him as the footage fades to black.


Some dogs and cats get along with one another. This usually happens when they are very young and have time to grow up with one another. But seeing how all three pets are far apart in age, there is bound to be some friction. It is not nice of Marvin to be so aggressive with Louie but thankfully Leela was there to protect him.

What Is Your Take

Do you have different pets in your home? Have you found yourself to be the “referee” between them sometime? Post your story below. Make sure to get your family and friends to read this story.

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