Cafeteria Food Keeps Making Kids Sick So Fed-Up Student Starts Publicly Exposing School Lunches

May 29, 2019

Amber Christensen is a junior in high school who is finally fed up with the awful meals being served at her school in Blue Island, Illinois. Along with all of her fellow classmates, Amber has been forced to eat mystery meat, rotten apples, and even suffer the occasional dead bug in the middle of a sandwich.

These unacceptable conditions have become the norm at Amber's school and this junior has had enough of the bad food. 

After years of surviving the school's low-quality lunches, Amber finally reached her limit in late 2018. Amber was sent to the nurse's office after stomaching a mysterious steak that looked something like meatloaf. Several other students also complained about stomach pains after the meal. 

Mandy Christensen, Amber's mom, confirmed how sick her daughter looked after eating the mysterious meatloaf. In an interview with CBS, Mandy commented on how many times Amber had to stand up to vomit. She could barely find enough time to rest in between the constant throwing up. Mandy described it as a "terrible" situation.

Mandy and Amber approached the school administration to change something about the lacking lunch program. Surprisingly, the student and her mother were turned away. The school administration claimed that the meals were being prepared in accordance with the legal guidelines. Unfortunately, nothing could be done to improve or change the quality of the food. 

Unfortunately, the low quality of this cafeteria food was having a negative impact on many of the students. Many students attending the school were eligible to receive reduced or free lunches. This means that many families don't have the resources to provide their children with nutritious and tasty meals outside of school.

These students were stuck eating what the cafeteria prepared. Furthermore, some of these students weren't getting another meal outside of school. It seemed as though these kids would be stuck eating unhealthy and mysterious lunches every day. 

Amber wasn't satisfied with the answer provided by the school administration. She was determined to make a change to the failing school cafeteria. With hundreds of students championing her cause, Amber finally came up with a great idea.

Since the implementation of her plan, the school's superintendent even decided to respond with some positive and real changes of his own. Now, the entire school is enjoying meals that are healthier and taste better. 

Was your cafeteria food this terrible when you were in school? Let us know in the comments! If you found this article inspiring, show it to your family members and friends.