Bus Driver Cheered After Stopping To Rescue Dog From Middle Of The Highway

Mar 27, 2020

Silvio Gomes recently made the news. The Brazilian bus driver dodged traffic to rescue a black and brown dog trapped on a highway. Read on to learn more about the dramatic rescue and the man everyone is calling a hero.

It was an ordinary workday for Silvio Gomes. He was driving a bus through Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, when something unusual caught his eye. Gomes quickly stopped the bus as stunned passengers watched him leave the vehicle.


Gomes had spotted a dog, poised to jump from the highway. After exiting the bus, Gomes walked the dog back to the bus. One passenger was lucky enough to capture this momentous occasion on film.

The dog calmly walked with Gomes back to the waiting bus. The relief and happiness the dog felt quickly spread to the passengers. They cheered and clapped as the pair came aboard the vehicle.

To Gomes, saving the dog was simply saving a life. The animal literally had nowhere to go. If Gomes had not acted, the dog would have become desperate and jumped to its death.

Gomes' bravery and quick action earned him well-deserved accolades. He was the man of the hour everywhere except in his own home. How could his wife possibly shun him after he saved the day?

Once rescued, the dog was taken to a local animal shelter in the hopes that it would find a loving home. Gomes' wife wondered why the so-called hero couldn't be bothered to bring the poor animal home. The next day, Gomes stopped in to adopt the dog with plans to name it Olímpicos because Gomes had first spotted his new friend near Olympics Stadium.

That was quite a gold-medal rescue! What do you think of Gomes's heroic action? Perhaps you've faced down fear to do the right thing for a creature in distress. Leave us a comment here or tell your tale at another social media site. The world needs more good news.