British School Forced To Recruit ‘Nappy Changers’ Because Kids As Old As Five Are Not Toilet Trained

Nov 25, 2019

Schools in Walsall, UK, has been forced to hire 'Nappy Changers' after finding that children up to the age of five were still not trained to use the toilet. 

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Chris Towe, Walsall council's portfolio holder described the situation as "unacceptable."

 "We are talking about five-year-olds," Towe told the BBC.

Not only did they find that a substantial number of their pupils were yet to have been potty trained, but also that the lacked other general basic skills such as communicating, holding a pencil properly, or even holding cutlery.

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"I was [shocked]," Towe added. "If they [don't have] basic skills, how can they be educated? This [can't continue]. If it doesn’t stop, [it's] going to get even worse." 

At a meeting with the local council, Mr. Towe revealed many headteachers in the area believed the children to be two or three years behind where they should be at their age. 

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Mr. Towe believes parents are the ones who are responsible for the children's lack of skills, saying they are "clearly" not taking responsibility in making sure their kids are ready to go to school. The council has now decided to send letters to local parents to inform them on the skills their children are expected to have at this age, as well as how they can get help. 

Diane Coughlan, a Labour councilor, however, thinks the solution is not adequate, as the families in the area tend to be vulnerable, with many issues.

"For many parents," she said, "school readiness is simply not a priority for them, so apart from simply sending a letter what other support will they be given?"

What do you think of the children's lack of skills? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family.