Bride Told Guests To Wear Their Old Wedding Dresses To Her Wedding

Apr 04, 2019

Not all weddings have to go according to the usual script.

While there is beauty in the traditional white dress and matching bridesmaids dresses, sometimes it is fun to mix things up and really bring out the true personality of the bride and groom.

That is exactly what happened when actress Audrey Moore married writer Jesse Lumen.

Moore said that she and Lumen wanted their wedding to reflect their own personal style and fun-loving nature while still celebrating what the true meaning of marriage is about. 

Moore has appeared in a variety of hit television shows, including “Godless,” “Better Call Saul,” and “NCIS”. For her dress, she chose to use her "something blue" on her own wedding apparel. Moore looked stunning in an aqua blue dress adorned with intricate details throughout the fairytale gown.

Lumen showed his personality by trading in the traditional wedding tuxedo for a tuxedo-patterned hoodie. He also extended an invitation to his groomsmen to wear the same comfortable and cozy look. Guests of the couple's beautiful day were asked to either arrive wearing a costume or their own wedding dress.

It was truly a festive affair for everyone involved! Moore said that she wanted her guests to be able to wear their wedding dress for a second time. She wrote on reddit that it is a shame that most wedding dresses are only worn for one day. Although having all of the women wear white at a wedding would normally be a big faux pas, it was a big hit at this special affair.

"It was like watching a group of princesses come to life." She told BuzzFeed news.

Rather than carrying a classic wedding bouquet made of flowers, Moore instead carried a bouquet of magical ribbon. Meanwhile, the groomsmen and bridesmaids carried luminaries. The fun carried over to the reception.

According to Good Morning America, the couple presented a special slideshow featuring their guests on their own wedding days. And then the attendees were even invited to help decorate the wedding cake. It would appear as if the couple met their goal of making everyone feel included and celebrated on this beautiful day. 

You simply must take the time to look at the many pictures and video of this amazing day. You will never look at weddings in the same light again after you see how this creative couple managed to make their celebration of love especially unique.

After you have had the chance to live this moment with them, be sure to spread the joy to everyone that you know. Everyone needs to see a true love story such as this!