Bride's Eyes Are Swollen Shut On Her Wedding Day Because Of Poisonous Flower Found In Bouquet

Feb 12, 2018

Wedding day disasters are a bride's worst fear. The list of things that could potentially go wrong is endless, but going to the emergency room was the least of bride Christine Miller's worries! 

"I was the scariest-looking person at my wedding."

Christine's disaster started the night before her big day. She and her bridal party picked flowers from her garden to create her bouquet and the floral arrangements. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary for the rest of the evening, until Christine washed her face the next morning to get ready for the wedding. She immediately noticed that her skin was getting red and rashy and that her eyes had swollen shut! 

"I was in so much pain but nobody knew what to do," Christine told Inside Edition. 

She decided to follow through with the wedding, and put on her dress and a brave face to walk down the aisle. Her husband noticed that she looked miserable walking towards him and could barely keep her eyes open, so they rushed to the hospital immediately after they were announced husband and wife. 

Doctors discovered that Christina had an allergic reaction to a flower called snow-on-the-mountain, which can cause the same symptoms as poison ivy. It's often found around older homes and in overgrown gardens and can cause intense burning and major irritation if handled without gloves.

Christine was given a shot in the rear that instantly made her feel better, and returned to the wedding in a "Bride" t-shirt and pajama pants so she could enjoy the rest of her day a lot more comfortably. Though it may not have been the perfect ceremony she dreamed of, it definitely was an unforgettable one! 

Watch the video below to see footage from the wedding:

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