Briard Dog Can Ride Scooters And Bicycles By Himself

Dec 18, 2019

This pleasant pup has a special talent he likes to show off every chance he gets. They call him Norman the Scooter Dog, and his special trick? Norman can ride scooters and bicycles all by himself.

It all started when Karen Cobb brought home her new Briard puppy. Cobb realized that Norman was a special dog like no other. He went with her all over town and handled the hardware store, parks and obedience classes with ease.

Norman loved new things and was especially fond of emulating Cobb's children. So naturally, Cobb taught him to ride a scooter just like the kids. He was so good at it that he won the Guinness World Record for the fastest pup on a scooter, managing 100 feet in just 20 seconds.

This agile pup didn't stop there. Cobb got him to go surfing and jumping rope in no time, along with a whole host of other sports.

The most impressive talent of all was when Norman learned to ride a bicycle, with his front paws on the handlebars and his back feet peddling away like mad. He can ride a bike for almost a full minute.

Then tragedy struck. Norman was diagnosed with lymphoma, a stage 4 cancer that is normally a terminal illness.

But the talented Norman didn't break stride. With a bone marrow transplant from his sibling, our bike-riding hero is making a slow but sure recovery. Thanks to his family's care and love, Norman has a bright future ahead!

It's so inspiring to hear fun stories about our beloved pets. Let us know about a brave puppy in your life in the comments and be sure to pass this article along to others!