Boy Reunites With Lost Dog After She Was Missing For 2.5 Weeks

Dec 10, 2019

April Licata let her family's black pug named Piper out to the bathroom one evening. However, Piper never returned after going potty. April's son, Carter, was heartbroken that his dog went missing. But once Piper was found April surprised her son with the pug at school and he broke down into tears. 

Before finding Piper, the family searched for Piper, speaking to neighbors, going to the news stations, and more, just to get the word out about the missing pooch as April wrote on social media. Despite all of their efforts, nothing turned up in the search to find Piper.

The family had thought that they would never see their beloved dog again as April says, "We had all resigned ourselves to the reality that she prolly wouldn’t come back." However, 2 1/2 weeks later the Genesee County Animal Shelter called saying that they had a dog that resembled Piper.

Because April's children were visiting their father for a few days, April took the chance to drive to the shelter by herself to see if the dog was truly Piper. To her great surprise, the dog was indeed Piper. Rather than let Carter know right away, she decided to take the dog back home and then put him in the front seat of the car when she drove to get Carter from school.

The resulting interaction is melting the internet. Carter began to cry when he realized that Piper was back home. As he loved all over Piper, the sweet pug could not stop licking Carter's face.

Fortunately, April was prepared for the amazing reaction and had been recording all of it.

 What do you think of this boy's reaction to seeing his dog? Tell us your thoughts about it below. Pass this article on to your friends and family.