Boy And Dog See Each Other After An Entire Year Apart, Both Start Crying Instantly

Feb 21, 2019

The unbreakable bond that man and dog share is one that other companionships simply can’t emulate. We grow so attached to our furry friends that parting with them seems an unfathomable notion. Lennox, an 11-year-old from Tennessee, can attest to this.

Lennox and his mom, Ellen, reside in the colorful city of Nashville next to their loving neighbor who’s a touring musician. Said neighbor is the owner of a precious pup named Bogart. When Lennox and Bogart met, their connection was as undeniable as it was instant. Much like moths to a flame, Lennox and Bogart were instantly drawn to one another.

Heartened by her son’s enthusiasm, Ellen loved watching Lennox and Bogart make fast friends.

Unfortunately, when their neighbor spent the next year traveling the world on tour, Bogart was sent to California. Saddened by the temporary loss of his cuddly companion, Lennox was misty-eyed when he had to bid Bogart a fond farewell.

As the months progressed, Ellen noticed a shift in Lennox’s behavior. Only the return of Bogart could fill the Bogart-sized hole in his heart.

Before too long, Lennox and Bogart were happily reunited. In the hopes of surprising her son, Ellen hatched a plan to sneak Bogart into their backyard. As Lennox walked out back, Bogart ran towards him with unbridled glee.

The two shared a reunion that tugged on Ellen’s heartstrings. Lennox cried happy tears while Bogart danced a happy dance. Lennox proceeded to give Bogart some long-overdue belly rubs while Bogart basked in the splendors of his life as a spoiled pooch.

Has this story reminded you of a wholesome memory with your beloved pet? Tell your story in the comments below and pass this along to your friends and family to spread the love.