Boaters Save Young Bear Swimming With Plastic Tub Stuck On His Head

Jul 08, 2020

One bear cub, a cheese-puff tub, and a Wisconsin family remind us that looking out for each other doesn't have be hard, but it will take some serious piloting skills!

Parents Brian and Tricia Brady, with their grown son Brady were out fishing from the family boat on the smooth waters of Marsh-Miller Lake in Wisconsin when they saw a young black bear swimming and struggling to breathe because it had its head stuck in the cheese-puff container on June 27th, 2020.

Brady carefully got the boat up beside the bear and Brian was able to get hold of the plastic tub, but the struggles of the terrified bear in combination with the slipperiness of the wet plastic made Brian lose his grasp of the tub. Brady was able to circle the bear again and pull up alongside it one more time so Brian could make his second attempt. Both Brian and Brady showed terrific timing and skill, both in the speed and direction of the boat and in grabbing the tub and pulling it off, just at the right time.

They were unable to encourage the bear to come to them, so they had to circle and come up alongside the bear twice in an attempt to get a good grip on the container. All three family members participated in the rescue of the black bear cub, who was headed for a grim fate of either drowning in a plastic tub full of water or starving over time with his head trapped in the tub.

All of the family members were sure of their goals. They wanted to save the bear from a terrible fate, no matter how many passes it took. They wanted to keep the boat from capsizing, and they knew they needed to keep the bear out of the boat!

At the end of the day, we're all in this together. This Wisconsin family shows us that with some great boat piloting skills, dogged determination and a strong grip, helping out your fellow creature can be extremely rewarding. Pass along this story of this family and their rescue of a young black bear from a grim fate.