Beluga Whale Returns A Kayaker's GoPro After He Dropped It

Oct 28, 2019

Good Samaritans can be found in animal form as well as humans. Of course, we've all heard of people who did the right thing, from rescuing a child who's being kidnapped to picking up a wallet that somebody had dropped and returned it to its owner, most with no expectations of any sort of reward.

Have you ever heard of a beluga whale is the one to act as a good Samaritan?

Recently, a beluga whale in far northern Norway, near Hammerfest, which is a municipality of 10,000 that is located 1,200 miles north of Oslo and 300 miles west of the Norway-Russia border, did just that. A man was in his paddleboat relaxing on a nice sunny day when he noticed a beluga whale was following him.

It seemed like the opposite of a scene from "Jaws" as this following sea animal appeared to be so friendly. It soon poked its head out of the water and said hi to the man and allowed itself to be petted on its head. The man was visibly stunned and pleased at how approachable the whale was.

Soon thereafter, the beluga whale went back under the water, so the man decided to put his GoPro that he had been filming the encounter with under water too to get more shots of the beautiful animal. However, he soon lost his grip, and it dropped to the bottom of the sea.

But that's when the good Samaritan beluga whale came to the rescue, heading straight towards where it was, retrieving it for the man and bringing it back to the surface, where he gratefully accepted it and gave him a thankful gesture. The beluga whale seemed to smile in return.

Then it seemed like the beluga whale did want a reward for its efforts in the form of food, widely opening its mouth, before giving up on those efforts and making its way back into the sea.

The video has already received more than 850,000 views on YouTube with more than 800 of those commenting. Meanwhile, the whale remains in the Hammerfest area and continues to be comfortable around people.

What was your closest encounter with a sea animal? Have you touched one as large as this one? What was that experience like? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!