Banana Peels: Ten Ways Not To Waste Them

Jun 11, 2018

Bananas have long been touted for their health benefits, especially as an easy source of potassium. However, the peels have generally been left to rot without a second thought. These uncelebrated skins have many benefits of their own, including the following list of ten worth slipping into your daily or weekly personal health routine.

1. Acne Treatment Option

Minerals such as potassium, zinc, iron, and manganese, along with lutein and carotenoids, help soothe and heal acne outbreaks. Twice a day, rub the inside of a ripe banana peel over your skin, let remain for 5-10 minutes, and rinse.

2. Wrinkle Reduction

High mineral content, vitamins and antioxidants make peels an effective treatment to decrease the appearance of wrinkles. Three times a week, rub peel over your skin and leave from 30 minutes to overnight, then wash and moisturize as usual. 

3. Sparkling Silver

Potassium is one of the ingredients found in banana peels which makes them an effective polishing agent for tarnished metal items. Process peels in a blender and add water to create a paste. Rub the paste on tarnished metal with a soft cloth for a few minutes. 

4. Easier Splinter Removal 

Banana peels contain enzymes that can help draw foreign objects up from below the skin. Place the ripe peel on the area and let it sit for 15 minutes before carefully lifting from the skin. Then remove the splinter with tweezers. 

5. Plant food

The rich mineral content of bananas makes them a wonderful organic soil additive. They can be added directly to the soil for the maximum benefit to the plant. Bury next to the roots of the plant and water immediately. 

6. Brighter Smile

Stains from coffee, tea, or fruit can be naturally removed with the help of banana peels. Brush and rinse teeth, then rub with the inside of ripe peel for about two minutes and rinse again. Repeat daily. 

7. Fading Appearance of Scars

The esterified fatty acids in banana peels are found in many lotions used to drastically diminish the appearance of scars. Just apply the peel to the area for one hour to overnight. Repeat daily.

8. Migraine Relief 

Potassium and other ingredients make banana skins a natural way to treat migraines. Freeze skins for one hour, then place on forehead and back of the neck. Leave in place until warm. Repeat as necessary.

9. Natural meat tenderizer. 

Adding a banana peel to the roasting pan will slow moisture evaporation as meat is cooking. Banana peel has the effect of preventing liquid from escaping from the meat, making it tender and juicy. 

10. Itch Reliever 

Banana peels contain histamine lowering nutrients, magnesium, and vitamins C and E. By applying to the area of irritation for 10-15 minutes, banana skins can relieve itching caused such mosquito bites or poison ivy. 

Don't slip up by letting those wonderful banana peels go to waste. Instead, make them a part of your whole-body natural health routine and home remedy choices. Then let your friends and loved ones know all the 'a-peeling' facts about banana skins.