Babysitting Grandchildren Actually Helps Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Jul 17, 2018

Today, there is an increasing number of people with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. There are currently over 10 million people who are suffering today. However, the North American Menopause Society believes they have found a to help prevent the disease. The answer lies with your grandchildren. Studies have shown that women who babysit their grandchildren tend to have better cognitive functions than those who don’t.

Simple activities that are done with grandchildren can help improve cognitive function without you even realizing it. Simple games, puzzles and teaching them various activities can help you keep your mind fresh and improve memory.

Keep Them Learning

Just by taking your grandchildren to the zoo, the park, the museum, and other various places can teach not only them but you as well. Children are always asking questions everywhere they go. This will make you think. Your mild always has to be alert and ready for their questions! They will ask about anything and everything that comes to their minds and they will expect you to have at least some kind of answer for them.

Everything in Moderation

Just like most good things, at some point, it gets a little too much. According to a study by Dr. Diana Kerwin, the chief of geriatrics at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas and founder of Texas Alzheimer's and Memory Disorders, grandparents who babysit their grandchildren five or more times a week tend to have to opposite effect. Their cognitive function can actually decrease due to the stress and exhaustion. The key to success is balance. Babysitting just a few times a week should do the trick in improving cognitive function.


There are a wide variety of activities you can do with your grandchildren. There can be different things to do based on your abilities and possibly even the area you live in. In addition, each child is different and has different preferences on what they like to do. However, here are a few basic activities to help get you started:

Do you babysit your grandchildren enough? Or maybe you babysit them too much! What do you think it a good amount of time to spend with them each week? Let us know!

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