Baby Stops Breathing During 2 Hour Car Ride, Mom Warns Others To Not Make The Same Mistake

Aug 01, 2018

Car seats are relatively safe. They have a variety of safety features, so you would think your baby would be safe while using it. One woman is warning parents about the real dangers of car seats.

This woman's baby suffered from oxygen deprivation due to a two hour ride in a car seat.

The baby wasn't even in the car seat the entire ride. Every time they stopped, they took the baby with them.

It wasn't until they got home - after being stuck in traffic - that they realized that something was very wrong. They brought the baby inside, still in her car seat, and put their older child to bed because it was past her bedtime. The baby was alone in the car seat for no more than 15 minutes while in the house.

That's when they noticed something had gone terribly wrong.

The woman's husband sat the baby on his knee, but the baby was showing serious symptoms. The baby's lips were blue and her cheeks were red. The baby then started foaming at the mouth.

Kristi, the baby's mother, was terrified. Believing it was a seizure, Kristi opened the baby's mouth to make sure it wasn't swallowing its tongue. By this time the baby was arching its back and violently throwing its head around. Kristi described the car ride to the hospital in a terrifying way. Her husband kept asking if the baby was breathing, and all she could say was: "I don't know." Kristi also said that she was trying to keep her baby awake, but she kept glazing over. Debenport

At the hospital, the parents discovered what happened. The car seat caused a severe case of oxygen deprivation. When she was released from the car seat, the influx of oxygen triggered a seizure. The doctor explained that newborns, when kept in a car seat for long periods of time, can suffer from oxygen deprivation. It is actually quite common.

As many of you are, Kristi was shocked to learn this fact. Spread the word about this little known fact. You could do your part in saving the life of a newborn baby.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!