Baby Rescue Pig Just Can’t Stop Running Around Until She Discovers Her New Blanket

Oct 11, 2019

After making four miniature pigs part of their family, a family from Tennessee took another one into their home. The piglet’s name is Piper, and she couldn’t be happier with her new home and family.

Piper’s family members just noticed that she has a fondness for blankets. To put it more accurately, the little pig is in love with them. The second a blanket comes into her view she’ll race off and jump on it, skid across it, and roll around on it.

Watch how much enjoyment Piper gets when she interacts with her soft, grey blanket.

As seen in another video, she also enjoys romping around on her red blanket. You see, Piper the pig won’t ever pass up a chance to cuddle with anything furry. Not long ago, her family found her cuddling with a dog. The puppy came from the house next door to spend some time with its friend.

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