Baby Girl Born 6 Weeks Premature Returns To Hospital 12 Years Later To Play Music For NICU Babies

Jan 20, 2019

Premature babies face many health issues and their first few months of like are extremely critical. These babies typically stay in the NICU (the neonatal intensive care unit) of the hospital to ensure they are strong enough to go home and live on their own.

The National Library of Medicine states that premature babies often have vision, hearing, breathing, and feeding issues, all of which will contribute to how these babies grow up.

What's even more challenging is that due to all these medical problems, these children are at risk of developing cerebral palsy, in addition to developmental delays.

Parents that give birth to premature babies are under a serious amount of stress as they are constantly fearing the worst for their child. They have to watch their little ones develop slowly in the NICU, often surrounded by tubes and monitors.

The doctors and nurses that are tasked with caring for these babies often play classical music to help aid in relaxation.

It's this classical music that one little girl fell in love with as a NICU baby. Now, that child is 12 years old and is a musician herself.

The girl in question is Isabella Ciriello. Born several weeks early, Isabella spent the first three months of childhood at the NICU of New York Presbyterian Komansky Children's Hospital.

When Isabella was in the NICU, Dr. Jeffrey Perlman gave her parents the advice to play her classical music. Now as a healthy 12-year-old, Isabella is obsessed with playing music on her classical guitar.

Isabella uses her musical talents to give back to other NICU babies by volunteering to play for them. Now she plays the same classical music that once helped her during the hardest time of her life for others that are in the same position she once was.

What a beautiful and selfless thing to do! Take a listen to the video to hear Isabella's playing for yourself! Let us know what you think and make sure to pass this along to your friends and family!