Baby Elephant Reaches Trunk Out To Worker Getting Feistier As Time Goes By Until Worker Must React

Jan 20, 2019

Even the most cold-hearted people can’t deny that baby animal are some of the cutest things on the planet.

How often do you see a picture of a litter of puppies and become completely overjoyed?

Even just the sight of baby animals can brighten anyone’s mood. However, some of these animals are at risk of becoming extinct if we do not take action.

The good news is that animal sanctuaries are trying their best to make sure that baby animals of all different endangered species are allowed the freedom to keep breeding and living on. At one particular sanctuary, a baby elephant seemed to want to get in the way of a painter’s job!

The Maesa Elephant Camp in Thailand has been around since the seventies and is not only a tourist attraction but a place for baby elephants to grow up into strong adults. Elephants are an endangered species that no one wants to see become extinct due to their high intelligence and their friendliness.

They are known as gentle giants, and that’s exactly what one baby elephant proved to be while a worker was trying to do his job! Dan Dang, the worker, is a caretaker at the sanctuary and was working on painting the bamboo poles in the enclosures.

While trying to get his painting done, one of the elephants repeatedly started poking Dan with his trunk! When he didn’t get the reaction he wanted, he continued poking and prodding at Dan and wouldn’t give up!

Clearly, the elephant was desperate for some attention that day! He even got up on the pole with his front legs and started to grab Dan’s head with his trunk! Later, he grabbed his hand with his truck in an act of kindness.

However, Dan still wouldn’t play with the elephant, but that didn’t mean that the elephant was ready to give up yet. Defiantly, he sadly jumps down off the poles and comes back down onto all fours, upset that no one will pay attention to him! It’s the cutest baby elephant tantrum we’ve ever seen.

Since it was uploaded, it has amassed over 60,000 views on YouTube and we’re glad it was recorded for all to enjoy! Would you ever visit an animal sanctuary? What do you think about this baby elephant’s tantrum?