Baby Elephant Hilariously Takes Over Reporter’s Segment

Jul 21, 2020

A recent video from 2018 showing a reporter in Nairobi, Kenya being interrupted by an adorable baby elephant has hit the web and become quite an internet sensation.

The reporter in question is a man named Geoff Mayes, and he is notable for the important work that he is doing in informing the public about the problem that Africa faces with elephant poaching.

He was joined by this baby elephant as a representative of the magnificent species, as The Daily Mail reports. What happened next was adorable as the elephant quickly became the true star of the show. It is adorable to watch the majestic animal steal the spotlight, and it has helped this video to gain a huge worldwide audience since it was released.

Geoff Has an Important Point But This Baby Does Not Have a Care in the World at the Moment

From the very start of this adorable video, Geoff Mayes is trying to make an important point about the problem that African elephants are currently faced with. The issue that he runs into is that baby elephant does not seem too concerned with problems at the moment and starts to nudge Geoff playfully.

All that Geoff can do is to laugh about the situation and to try and carry on. His efforts are not made easy by this cute little elephant that continues to play while Geoff tries to make his important point. After a bit more of this, Geoff finally decides that it might be time for a commercial. He kneels down and smiles at the adorable little creature.

This Baby Is Not So Little

This particular animal looks small for an elephant, but he is actually not a newborn. He most likely already weighs hundreds of pounds given that most elephants are born already weighing 200 pounds, according to National Geographic. That's why he can easily push Geoff around with no problem. It is clear that the elephant just wants to play and is not that concerned with the mission that Geoff is trying to accomplish.

The elephant's handler can even be heard in the background. The reality is that the entire scene quickly becomes hilarious and things this elephant does make him the star of this video. The good news for Geoff is that his shirt helps him to get his message across to those that have viewed the video.

Geoff Is Determined to Get His Message Out to the Public

Geoff is determined to try and make this work and he keeps diligently trying to get his message across. After a while, he is able to get his message out. He keeps a close watch on the adorable elephant the entire time rather than looking directly at the camera. When all is said and done, he calls him over to play. It is a true sign of how devoted Geoff is to the cause of protecting these magnificent elephants like this one. It is very clear that he deeply cares about them.

When the video of the baby elephant and reporter Geoff Mayes hit the web, it quickly drew a huge fanbase. Geoff had an important message to deliver about protecting African elephants, but the baby just wanted to play. His adorable antics stole the show and the hearts of countless viewers around the world. They have also helped to get this important message out to the public.

What was your reaction when you first saw the adorable baby elephant interacting with reporter Geoff Mayes? Did you laugh hysterically at his adorable antics? If you fell in love with this elephant and his playful attitude like so many others have, then pass this video on to your friends and let them find out about this important story.