Baby Born At Texas Hospital Shocks Employees By Breaking Record

Jan 30, 2019

Jennifer and Eric Medlock were overjoyed when they learned they would be having a second child, in fact, they felt like it was a miracle. Jennifer struggled to conceive her first child, Annabelle, because of a devastating syndrome in her ovaries that she needed fertility retirement to cure.

Now, Jennifer originally thought the latest addition to her family was just a follicle turning into a cyst, but she was touched when she found out it was going to be a wonderful new baby boy, Ali.

Doctors didn't think Jennifer could have a second baby without fertility treatment, but she and her husband prayed and prayed for a new member of their family. Later on, doctors were surprised as they discovered Jennifer was expecting a new baby naturally, without the treatment. It seems that praying worked for the Medlock family.

Everything pointed to Ali's birth being normal for Jennifer and there was nothing to indicate what would come. Jennifer assumed her new baby would be heavy, as her daughter was over 9lbs at birth, but nothing could prepare her, or the hospital's staff, for what was coming.

Suddenly, as Jennifer was giving birth, medical professionals had to perform a C-Section. She remembers nurses and doctors being shocked and shouting "Oh my!" from behind the operating curtain. After Ali was delivered, he ended up weighing an incredible 14 lbs and 13 oz, meaning he weighed twice the size of a typical 6-8 lb newborn. Medical staff was shocked. The Medlocks were shocked but grateful.

Once Ali was birthed, nurses noted that he was pretty healthy minus some low blood sugar and low platelet levels; Because of that, Ali had to stay in the NICU for a week. After that though, Ali has remained a healthy baby.

Jennifer and her husband don't care that their baby is large either, they're just happy to have him. The only drawback they're having is that Ali is already wearing a size three diaper and clothes meant for six-month-old babies. In the end, Ali's parents are surprised, yet glad, to have him, as they didn't expect Jennifer to have another baby yet; They also think his size means that he's meant for something big, which most of the Medlocks' friends think will be a great football career as a linebacker.

What do you think about Ali's miracle birth? Please leave a comment letting us know and be sure to tell your friends and family about the records he broke - we're sure they'll be just as shocked as the hospital staff!