AVOID These Birthday Month Mistakes And Watch What Happens

Jan 30, 2018

There are plenty of suggestions for what you should do during your birthday month. Celebrating your birthday in a spectacular fashion is amazing, but have you ever considered things you should avoid in the month you were born? Steer clear of these habits and your whole year will be filled with joy.



January is a great month for new beginnings. You should harness the power of resolutions to step out of your routine. Doing the same old thing can put you in the dumps. A routine that doesn't empower you to improve can create a lot of rough days. Make a birthday vow to try out new things. Find what isn't working in your life and change it. 

How do you think your friends will feel about this? Share it with them so they can improve their lives, too.


Expectations are great, but sometimes we can set the bar too high. You need to avoid unrealistic expectations. This applies to your job, relationships, or anything that is important. Learning to lower expectations can prevent disappointment. You don't have to give up your faith in people, your job, or things you care about. Just realize that no one or no situation is perfect. 

How do you think your friends will feel about this? Share it with them so they can improve their lives, too.


Old habits die hard. Being born in March means that you should work hard to avoid old habits. It takes a long time to climb a mountain but only a few seconds to fall off. Put your past in the rearview mirror and leave it there. Take pride in ditching destructive habits and remember how good it feels to leave them behind. Your life path is leading you to positive things. Stay the course and don't look back. 

How do you think your friends will feel about this? Share it with them so they can improve their lives, too.


Negative vibes are real. You can get them from people and places. You should avoid negativity at every turn. The emotions created by unhappy experiences can be unhealthy. Watch out for the naysayers who try to convince you that happiness is impossible. Focus instead on the positive experiences you've had and try to repeat them as often as possible. The way to be content is to practice things that bring you a lot of joy.

How do you think your friends will feel about this? Share it with them so they can improve their lives, too.


Don't give up your power. You have the ability to make choices and decisions that will better your life on a grand scale. People might try to take advantage of you. Don't let this happen. You have the right to refuse requests that don't benefit you. The powerful person focuses on their own issues first because they know that doing so makes them more valuable to humanity. Love yourself first.

How do you think your friends will feel about this? Share it with them so they can improve their lives, too.


Passive-aggressive behavior is what you need to avoid. Your voice and opinions on subjects matter. No one will ever hear you if you don't speak up. Strength comes when you stand up for yourself. Stop biting your tongue and don't be afraid to keep it real. Remember, you don't need to get into confrontations to make a point. Be calm, be firm, and state your case without hurling accusations. 

How do you think your friends will feel about this? Share it with them so they can improve their lives, too.


Your instincts serve you well. Why are your ignoring them? You should avoid things that just don't feel right. Learn to trust your gut. Your body and mind are wonderful machines. They will lead you in the proper direction if you will only tune in to the subtle messages from your brain and body. If your gut instinct is telling you not to get on that plane, take a train instead.

How do you think your friends will feel about this? Share it with them so they can improve their lives, too.


Paying attention to yourself isn't selfish. It's self-care. You need to work at avoiding self-neglect. You should always give yourself the same level of care that you would give to someone else. Aren't you worth it? Of course you are. Eat a great meal without guilt. Go on a solitary hike or biking adventure. Sometimes just a nice hot bath can work wonders. Your time is precious. Spend some on yourself for a change.

How do you think your friends will feel about this? Share it with them so they can improve their lives, too.


Few things can be as devastating as procrastination. Avoid it and resolve to take action on things. A good rule of thumb is to not put off anything that can be handled immediately. Completing a task comes with a wonderful sense of relief. That relief lowers stress. Less stress means a healthier existence. You will feel so much better when you attend to that lingering medical issue, get those back taxes taken care of, or visit the relative you haven't seen in months.

How do you think your friends will feel about this? Share it with them so they can improve their lives, too.


No one ever said life was easy. You've got a tendency to take the easy way out. Challenge yourself and avoid choices that are too easy. It might be easier to grab dinner at the fast food restaurant, but cooking a healthy meal is better for you. Don't be afraid to tell that special someone how you feel. You'll be surprised how well it works out for you. To understand how high you can go, you have to be willing to fly. Flying takes hard work and effort.

How do you think your friends will feel about this? Share it with them so they can improve their lives, too.


Make an effort to avoid the same old mistakes. Repeating a mistake indicates that you don't care enough about yourself to change for the better. Familiarity is not always a good thing. You could be in an endless loop of failure because you are too unwilling to make a change. It is very important that you absorb the lessons life is trying to teach you. Those lessons will make you a stronger person. 

How do you think your friends will feel about this? Share it with them so they can improve their lives, too.


Don't go with the flow. You need to stand apart from the crowd because you are very independent. Fear is often what keeps us from growing. We refuse to try new things because we're comfortable with the status quo. Average just won't work for you. You need to purposely shock your system by doing something spontaneous and new. Don't do something just because everyone else is doing it. Make your own path.

How do you think your friends will feel about this? Share it with them so they can improve their lives, too.