Australian Hunter Saves Nine Koalas During Dangerous Mission Into Burned-Out Area

Jan 08, 2020

The Australian bushfires continue to ravage out of control. The devastation far surpasses anything from people's nightmares. 

The risks to people's lives are severe, and the local environment continues to suffer destruction. Poor animals find themselves engulfed in flames. The bushfires also show that people are willing to step up and perform heroically in the face of danger. One hunter was unable to contain himself when he discovered the plight of threatened koalas. The man now works hard to save the koalas from the fires, and he appears to be successful.

Patrick Boyle made a dangerous decision to venture into a highly unsafe area of Victoria to help save koalas. While some admire his bravery, few would suggest his actions weren't without extreme risk. Not many seem to encourage others to perform similar actions. Again, the danger in the bushfire areas is enormous. Boyle did what he did, and nine koalas are now safe.

Upon saving the koalas, Boyle took the creatures to the Mallacoota Wildlife Shelter. At the shelter, the animals are receiving some care. The shelter, however, isn't a large facility nor a veterinary hospital. In truth, the shelter is someone's private residence.

A sense of irony exists here since Boyle is a hunter. A misconception exists that hunters don't care about wildlife. Boyle shows he does have compassion, and his kindness leads him to put his life at risk. Yes, the bushfires are that dangerous.

The somewhat shocking tale of the hunter who saved the koalas may surprise many who are following news from the Australian bushfires. So, tell them about it.