Are You A Rose By Any Other Name? What Does Your Birth Month Flower Say About Your Personality?

Sep 08, 2017

Did you know each month has a specific birth flower associated with it? Scroll down to find your birth month flower and discover what it says about your personality!

January - Carnation

Being born a carnation means that you're like a great work of art. People may not get you, but they know that they like you. You have an appeal that transcends international borders. Everyone who meets you is attracted to you, and intrigued by what they see. And your value simply grows with time.

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February - Violet

Being born a violet is like being the mathematical figure π (pi). Sure, people say that you're sometimes irrational. That you can be stuck in your ways and do the same thing all of the time. But your friends and family know that you are a steadfast and constant figure. Problems can't be solved without your help.

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March - Daffodil

Being born a daffodil means that you're like a windmill. You're breezy and delightful to be around, especially when things start getting hot. You're a great source of energy, even when more traditional folks have trouble locating theirs. You can be very helpful in unconventional ways. And you're at home in a wide variety of locations.

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April - Sweet Pea

Being born a sweet pea means that you're like frozen yogurt. You're obviously sweet. It doesn't take much to make you go all gooey over something. People sometimes wonder if hanging out with someone like you could really be good for them. But don't worry, they'll all discover your benefits and become fans.

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May - Lily Of The Valley

Being born a lily of the valley means that you're like a computer game. You have many features. You're enormous fun to be around. And you show the world a personality with many facets. Ages and genders don't seem to matter, people can't get enough of you. You make them feel like winners when they spend time with you.

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June - Rose

Being born a rose means that you're like kale. People might find you difficult to get to know and a little prickly at first. But you're worth the effort. Your friendship adds nourishment to the lives of friends. You fill their hearts and help them get what they need to thrive.

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July - Foxglove

Being born a foxglove means that you're like a cup of coffee. You have strong opinions, and act boldly. But one great thing about you is that you can tone down your approach to accommodate others. And everybody just loves all of the energy that you bring.

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August - Gladioulus

Being born a gladiolus means that you're like a honey bee. You're very practical and stick to tasks that you've been assigned until they're completed. You do very well socializing and living with groups, especially in very close quarters. But remember to retain your individuality. That hive mentality isn't always a good thing. You love bright colors!

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September - Aster

Being born an aster means that you're like an old fashioned player piano. You do favor a classic approach and style. This might mean that you don't fit in everywhere. But there's no denying your musical talent. That's guaranteed to make you friends wherever you go.

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October - Marigold

Being born a marigold means that you're like a great summer beach read. You don't take yourself too seriously. You're awesome company. And you do a fantastic job of introducing friends to exciting new things that they otherwise wouldn't consider. You never overstay your welcome. You're also good at weathering occasionally rough conditions.

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November - Chrysanthemum

Being born a chrysanthemum means that you're like the latest summer movie blockbuster. You definitely draw crowds. And there's always a lot of anticipation before you arrive on the scene. Sometimes you worry that people expect too much from you. But don't worry. You tend to please more than you disappoint.

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December - Poinsettia

Being born a poinsettia means that you're like the Tower of London. You're designed to last. You've weathered the worst that man and nature can throw at you. And you're still here, an iconic presence towering above the crowd. You've gotten both the royal treatment and public abuse. But none of this has kept you from following your goals.

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