Amazing Guidance From A 21-Year-Old On His Deathbed

Aug 09, 2017

None of us mean to go through life on autopilot, but the daily grind of life eventually gets to most of us. We allow ourselves to get bogged down with the outward duties and responsibilities of life and end up with a sense of loss and loneliness on the inside. As a result, we spend restless nights worrying over things that are unimportant, such as money, bills, and the opinions of other people.

Why is this a pattern that is so familiar to so many of us? Why do we allow the unimportant aspects of our daily turmoils to define our total existence? Ultimately, it is our experiences and choices that will define us and shape us; these are our legacies. Yet, many of us spend our existence chasing after money and power. 

But a dying 24-year-old cancer patient on Reddit may be able to change your perspective on living life before it is too late. His advice has gone viral, and it is the kind of advice that we strongly believe can have a dramatic impact upon your future happiness. 

The key advice that the young man gives is don't waste your life doing work that does not matter to you. He urges us all to remember that we cannot succeed at something we hate. He tells us instead to embrace work that allows us to demonstrate our passions and dedication.

Another key tip for happiness that the young man shared was learning to let go of other people's opinions. Fear of others' opinions can paralyze us, the young man notes, and that fear prevents us from living life to the fullest.

A third tip that the young man shared was to take control of your life. Too often, he notes, we allow others to make choices that define our lives. But as he sits and picks out the tie he will wear to his funeral, he proclaims that lives should always be defined by the choices you made - not the choices made for you by others. 

Ultimately, the lessons learned by this man boil down to this: floating through life's daily grind is your choice. You can choose to merely exist or you can take control of your destiny and live the life you truly want to live.

SHARE this advice and beautiful message with your friends and loved ones!