Alaskan Malamute Pup Howls For First Time In Presence Of Proud Mother Dog

Sep 09, 2020

Whether it is rolling over, the first crawling motion, or the very first step, moms around the world understand the importance and impact of being involved in their baby's first attempts at anything new. While some of these milestones may seem minute to others, they seem like monumental events for parents.

As a result, we can relate to the proud mom of an Alaskan Malamute pup when it howls for the first time. After all, it takes weeks and months of demonstrating acts daily for a child to catch on. We can feel the happiness of this mom resonate through as she looks at her puppy adoringly, as it howls away.

While we can't be sure exactly where this 2007 video comes from, it was so adorable that we had to pass it on!

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

From the time a puppy is born, it begins to practice making sounds and noises to communicate its needs and playfulness. While a puppy's crying or whining is nothing new, experiencing its first howl is beyond satisfying. Watching a puppy learn to communicate in the way that it was meant to be simply awe-inspiring.

In this video, a handler attempts to rouse the puppy, who begins to howl in response. What the video does not explain is that this is the Alaskan Malamute pup's first howl. Starting off squeaky and unsure, the puppy gains confidence in its ability to make a loud noise. It is all history from this point on.

Doing What Dogs Do Best

After a few moments of wavering whimpering, the Alaskan Malamute puppy lets out a distinctive howl. Throwing its head back, we see a picturesque silhouette of a wild dog howling at the moon. Continuing to howl repeatedly, an adoring mom appears out of the edge of the clip. Reaching over to her pup and licking its face, you can see the inherent pride of this mom for her child meeting this major milestone.

At just 14-days old, this puppy has finally found its voice. Mom is so excited she joins in on the fun, too. Howling together, these two Alaskan Malamute's are cuter than we could have ever expected.

A Developing Bond Between Mother and Pup

As the puppy keeps howling, it gradually moves toward it's mother. Appearing to show of its new skills, the mother looks on and eventually joins in on the howling. Not only is howling a method of communication, but this sound allows the mother and pup to develop a stronger bond. 

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